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Germany on collision course with France, Spain over EU power market reform

Three weeks before the European Commission tables its proposal to reform the EU’s electricity market, Germany’s position on the issue is still being fleshed out but initial signs already point to a looming clash with pro-reform countries like France and Spain.

read more... 23/02/2023


No electricity market reform ahead of EU elections, Berlin insists

While Brussels works on its reform of the EU’s electricity market, with backing from the likes of France and Spain, Germany is pushing to delay the overhaul until after the 2024 EU elections.

read more... 21/02/2023


EU opens door to 'green' nuclear-derived hydrogen

The European Commission published rules on Monday that could allow some hydrogen produced in nuclear-based energy systems to count towards EU renewable energy goals, signalling a win for pro-nuclear France.

read more... 14/02/2023


France in new row with Germany and Spain over nuclear-derived hydrogen

A new row has erupted between France, Germany and Spain over nuclear energy, with Paris furious about a lack of support from Berlin and Madrid for its efforts to have nuclear-derived hydrogen labelled as 'green' in EU legislation, sources said.

read more... 09/02/2023


Nine EU countries want low-carbon hydrogen included in bloc’s renewables goals

Nine EU member states, including France, have called on the European Commission to include low-carbon hydrogen – produced from nuclear electricity – in the EU’s renewable hydrogen targets.

read more... 06/02/2023
