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EDF: gas plant and wind farm officially opened in Britain

EDF had inaugurated its West Burton combined cycle gas turbine power station and its Teesside offshore wind farm in Britain, according to company’s declaration.

read more... 17/04/2014


Belgium, Finland deal with daily penalties for violating energy waste law

Belgium and Finland are confronting with daily penalties for violation of the European Union law related to the more efficient construction of buildings, as stated by EU regulators on Wednesday.

read more... 17/04/2014


Bilfinger declares will quit renewable energy group Desertec

Bilfinger is quitting the Desertec Industrial Initiative (DII), a German industrial conglomerate with a major goal to import solar and wind electricity from deserts, as stated on Sunday by a representative for the industrial services group.

read more... 15/04/2014


CEZ: funds’ interest for Romanian wind park

A stake of 1.1 billion euro ($1.5 billion) in Czech utility CEZ's wind park in southeastern Romania attracts more than one pension fund, according to CEZ board member on Thursday.

read more... 04/04/2014


CRE suggests GDF Suez to build offshore wind parks

CRE, the energy regulator in France, has advised a group managed by GDF Suez to construct and control two offshore wind parks, as stated on the website on the French newspapers Le Figaro and Les Echos.

read more... 03/04/2014
