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Croatia looks for a strategic partner for new hydro plant

Croatian power board Hrvatska Elektroprivreda (HEP) is searching for a strategic partner to construct a new hydro power plant and brought out an invitation for expressions of interest on Wednesday.

read more... 21/08/2014


Gamesa to enter the Chilean wind market

Gamesa, Spain’s largest wind turbine maker finished building a 36-megawatt wind farm in southern Chile.

read more... 15/08/2014


Britain: Solar power subsidy scheme to be scrapped earlier

Subsides for new solar power plants in Britain might be probably stopped two years earlier than anticipated in order to avoid the costs increase, according to the British government.

read more... 15/08/2014


Ireland: Wind farms could help slash energy bills

Ireland is an excellent location for developing both onshore and offshore wind farms, due to its favorable climate, and the wind speed means that there are many wind farm sites which offer a high capacity factor for generation. The country has one of the greatest wind energy resources in Europe and it is important to exploit them efficiently, so as to create jobs and bring benefits to communities.

read more... 14/08/2014


European Commission approves the Czech renewable energy scheme

The European Commission has approved state subventions for the Czech Republic’s new renewable energy subsidy scheme, saying they are in line with the EU state aid legislation.

read more... 14/08/2014
