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European interconnected offshore grid to be built

The released report “Offshore Electricity Grid Infrastructure in Europe” shows that billions of Euros could be saved by building a new offshore electricity grid in Europe that will connect North and Baltic Sea wind farms and provide cheaper electricity to consumers.

read more... 11/10/2011


British Gas to install smart meters in the British homes

British Gas, considered as the biggest energy provider in the UK, announced its intention to install smart metering in about 10 million British homes, which will help customers manage the monitoring of the cost of their electricity and gas consumption instantaneously, and in the end see how much power individual appliances are spending.

read more... 07/10/2011


UK renewable power reaches “historic high” of nearly 10%

According to the figures released by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, the renewable electricity sources including wind, supplied 9.6% of the UK's electricity in the second quarter of 2011, up from 6.3% in the same quarter in 2010, becoming definitely a vital part of Britain's energy mix.

read more... 03/10/2011


Natural gas versus coal: UK Gas demand 2 % down this winter

According to the estimations of National Grid, the UK network operator, the British gas demand will decline by 2 % this winter, as the power plants prefer cheaper coal to produce electricity instead of natural gas, even if the gas fired plants eliminate less carbon emissions.

read more... 30/09/2011


E.ON to cut 500 jobs after tariff hike

One of the UK’s biggest energy companies, E.ON, is seeking up to 500 voluntary redundancies only a week after boosting gas tariffs by 18 % and electricity bills by 11 %.

read more... 28/09/2011
