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UK to get 90% of its power from renewables by 2030

According to a recently released report by WWF-UK, Positive Energy, 60-90% of the UK’s electricity could be satisfied by sustainable sources by 2030, while the rest will be supplied through an international supergrid and gas power stations. All the six scenarios developed by GL Garrad Hassan, the world’s leading renewable energy consultancy, aim to largely decarbonise the power sector without resorting to either coal-fired power stations or nuclear power ones.

read more... 28/10/2011


Largest solar plant to be built in Ukraine

One of the largest solar power plants will be built in Southern Ukraine, in Okhotnykovo, Crimea that will produce annually 100,000 MWh of electricity. It will be the fourth most powerful solar park following Canadian Sarnia, Italian Montalto di Castro and German Finsterwalder.

read more... 27/10/2011


EU Commission to award 12.5 billion dollars for transmission systems

As to reach its targets of generating 20% of green power of the total electricity demand, the European Commission released its energy infrastructure plan worth 9.1 billion Euros (12.5 billion dollars) as to modernized its transmission systems for its smart grid (installing new pipelines and power grids) and for the renewable energy applications for the period 2014-2020.

read more... 25/10/2011


UK’s inflation at a 3-year high on higher energy tariffs

According to the Office for National Statistics, the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) inflation in UK soared to 5.2pc in September due to higher gas and electricity prices, hitting a 3-year high.

read more... 19/10/2011


Russia’s power sector structure and reform

Russia launched the privatisation of its electricity market in 2007 in a bid to introduce competition, liberalise prices and attract investment and expertise from the private or international sector. The project was led by Anatoly Chubais, the architect of the early 1990s privatisation drive that followed the breakup of the Soviet Union.

read more... 19/10/2011
