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Iberdrola invested EUR550 million to upgrade Spanish electricity grid

The Spanish utility Iberdrola invested EUR550 million in extending and improving electricity grid in Spain in 2011.

read more... 27/01/2012


UK: Significant milestone for the wind industry

The trade association RenewableUK has announced that UK’s wind sector has reached a landmark of 6 GW of installed capacity, being enough to supply electricity to 3,354,893 households.

read more... 19/01/2012


British Gas to slash electricity prices by 5%

British Gas announced that it will slash the electricity prices by 5% in the next days, as result of falling wholesale prices, being followed by Scottish & Southern Electricity (SSE), which will cut its gas tariff by 4.5% starting from March, 26.

read more... 16/01/2012


Energy bills in the UK to be slashed by 10%

Recent reports show that electricity and gas bills in UK are going to be slashed by 10% for millions of households due to a milder winter in Britain.

read more... 10/01/2012


EDF to boost its stake in Edison

The French electricity company EDF has inked a deal with Italian shareholders that will give it majority control in Edison, Italy’s second-biggest power supplier. Edison, which has a market value of about 4 billion euros (5.2 billion U.S. dollars), is now controlled by EDF and a group of Italian investors led by regional utility A2A, which hold their stakes through holding company Delmi. EDF unveiled in a statement that the preliminary agreement included the acquisition of Edison by EDF and the acquisition of Edipower by A2A.

read more... 30/12/2011
