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Croatia talks up regional gas hub plan

Croatian prime minister Andrej Plenkovic has reiterated his country's aim to become a regional gas hub, although plans are still at an early stage and EU funding has yet to be secured.

read more... 27/03/2023


Daily (24.03.2023): European carbon prices reached their highest intraday level in six days on Thursday amid continued compliance purchase and persistent buying

Oil prices ended a run of three consecutive bullish days on Thursday, dragged down by statements from the U.S. Energy Secretary, who postponed purchases of crude to rebuild U.S. strategic reserves until at least next year. Thus, Brent crude fell by 1% to $75.91 a barrel.

read more... 24/03/2023


EU leaders want power market reforms agreed by year end

EU leaders want to see power market design reforms intended to mitigate volatile prices agreed this year, they said after discussing the bloc’s energy situation at a summit in Brussels late on Thursday.

read more... 24/03/2023


EC demands more transparency around carbon offsets in greenwashing crackdown

The European Commission will require companies to provide details on the origination and methodologies of the carbon credits it is using, according to its new proposal aimed at countering greenwashing and misleading environmental claims.

read more... 24/03/2023


EnBW takes €2.4bn final investment decision on He Dreiht

EnBW has taken the final investment decision (FID) on its 960MW He Dreiht offshore wind project in the German North Sea, clearing the way for construction to begin.

read more... 24/03/2023
