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Belgium to slow the pace of nuclear closure

Belgium’s cabinet agreed on Wednesday to slightly slow the pace of its nuclear exit, in order to avoid eventual power shortages, while the nuclear power is replaced by other fuels in the production of electricity.

read more... 05/07/2012


China opens its first natural gas spot market to deal with peak electricity demand

In order to deal with peak electricity demand in the summer, China launched its first spot market for natural gas on the Shanghai Petroleum Exchange on July 2nd, move which will gradually improve the natural gas mechanism in long term through a fair and reasonable competition.

read more... 04/07/2012


Bulgaria to slash wind and solar subsidies from July 1st

Bulgarian state energy regulator SEWRC announced a sharp cut of guaranteed rates for electricity generated by wind and solar power parks on Friday on worries of soaring electricity prices.

read more... 02/07/2012


U.S renewables may power 80% of electricity needs by 2050

Renewable electricity generation from technologies that are commercially viable nowadays, alongside a more flexible electric system, could supply 80% of U.S. electricity needs in 2050, according to a report from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

read more... 21/06/2012


German energy retail trend

Germany's retail electricity prices continue to rise, according to latest data from major south-western utility EnBW.

read more... 19/06/2012
