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German hydrogen pipeline planned to aid green industry shift

A group of gas grid operators, oil and utility firms is planning a 130-kilometre hydrogen pipeline to supply industrial customers in north-west Germany, Open Grid Europe (OGE) said.

read more... 19/03/2020


Russia sees oil and gas revenue drop nearly $ 40 billion

Russia’s oil and gas revenue will be $ 39.5 billion (3 trillion rubles) less than expected due to falling oil prices Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said on Wednesday, adding that Russia’s budget will be in deficit this year.

read more... 19/03/2020


Norway’s February gas output up, sales down

Norway’s natural gas production increased slightly in February, roughly meeting the government’s forecast for the month, Kallanish Energy learns from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD).

read more... 17/03/2020


Developing nations may lose up to 85% of oil and gas income this year - IEA, OPEC

Developing nations’ oil and gas income will fall by 50% to 85% this year to a more than two-decade low if current market conditions persist, the International Energy Agency and OPEC said in a rare joint statement on Monday, citing recent IEA analysis.

read more... 17/03/2020


Russia's Power of Siberia pipeline closed for maintenance

Russian gas producer Gazprom said on Monday the Power of Siberia gas pipeline had been closed for routine maintenance until April 1.

read more... 16/03/2020
