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Germany to require a 26.5% cut to energy consumption by 2030

Germany's ruling coalition plans to require the private and public sectors to cut energy consumption by 26.5% by 2030 compared to 2008, a draft law seen by Reuters showed on Monday.

read more... 04/04/2023


French lawmakers propose tax credits, subsidies for green industry

France could offer tax breaks and subsidies for producing climate friendly technologies in the country, according to proposals on Monday from lawmakers preparing a green industry bill.

read more... 04/04/2023


EU extends gas price cap system to all EU hubs

The European Commission will extend its gas price cap system to all trading hubs in the European Union from May to prevent potential distortions to Europe's energy markets, it said on Friday.

read more... 03/04/2023


‘UK’s largest’ offshore windfarm plan accepted for determination

SSE Renewables has submitted plans for what is described as the UK’s largest offshore wind farm to East Lothian Council and the Scottish Government for determination.

read more... 03/04/2023


UK government to fund Acorn CCS in second phase of CCUS development

The UK government on Thursday launched the second phase of its carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) scheme. It has named the Acorn Project in the north of the UK as one of the two beneficiaries of the next phase.

read more... 03/04/2023
