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Germany likely to pass 50% mark for renewable power this year

Germany is likely to generate more than 50% of its power from renewable energy this year but needs to ramp up the speed of its transition towards the end of the decade, Economy Minister Robert Habeck said on Monday.

read more... 19/09/2023


France readies to integrate EU climate targets into its energy strategy

Paris will incorporate EU climate targets in its upcoming environmental and energy planning laws, Energy Minister Agnès Pannier-Runacher’s entourage said this week, playing down delays in submitting France’s updated National Energy and Climate Plan to Brussels.

read more... 18/09/2023


Germany’s hydrogen import bill estimated at €1.2-7bn by 2030

Germany will not be able to meet all of its hydrogen demand from piped gas, the cheapest way of transporting hydrogen, forcing the country to rely on costlier shipping options instead, according to a new study by influential think-tank Agora Energiewende.

read more... 18/09/2023


More funding to progress UK nuclear-generated hydrogen project

An EDF-led consortium has been awarded UK government funding to further develop plans to use heat and electricity from Heysham 2 to create hydrogen for use in the production of asphalt and cement. Earlier this year, a feasibility study demonstrated the significant benefit the project would bring in proving how nuclear could power hydrogen electrolysis.

read more... 15/09/2023


EU's von der Leyen pledges more support for wind industry

The European Union will put forward a package of measures to support its wind power industry as renewable energy companies struggle with challenges including inflation, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Wednesday.

read more... 14/09/2023
