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Daily: Nordic power prices down on higher nuclear power output

Nordic spot electricity prices decreased on Friday, on prospects of lower consumption and higher nuclear power output. The prices for the day-ahead for Friday delivery eased to 31.4 euro per MWh from 32.9 euro on Thursday. Nordic forward power prices bounced on Thursday on good weather forecasts in a hydro-dependent region.

read more... 30/08/2012


UK: SSE customers to see their energy bills up 9%

SSE, UK energy utility, announced that from mid-October electricity and gas bills will increase by 9%, blaming higher energy network costs, regulation and higher commodity prices. Around half of the cost of SSE's energy bills is determined by wholesale levels.

read more... 24/08/2012


Global installations of renewable energy will triple by 2017

Annual worldwide installations of renewable distributed generation will nearly triple between 2012 and 2017, reaching 63.5 gigawatts (GW) a year in 2017. Nearly 232 GW of distributed renewable will be added over the five-year period. Currently, distributed renewable installations represent just 1 % of total global electricity generating capacity, but they will register a rapid increase in the next five years to come.

read more... 15/08/2012


Italy’s electricity demand increased by 1.1% in July

Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA, Italy’s power grid operator said on Monday that electricity demand in Italy increased by 1.1 % compared to July last year to 30.6 billion kWh on higher temperatures and an extra working day.

read more... 06/08/2012


German electricity grid hit by a set of delays

The expansion of Germany’s high-voltage electricity grid is facing a series of delays and needs to speed urgently to ensure it has enough electricity capacity to absorb the quickly increase in power from renewable energies, according to the country's grid regulator BNA.

read more... 06/08/2012
