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Daily (04.02.2020): EU carbon prices hit a four-month low on Monday due to a surplus of permits after Brexit

Crude oil prices plunged to 1-year lows on Monday, as worries about a slowdown in oil demand linger on the back of the coronavirus outbreak.

read more... 04/02/2020


Daily (03.02.2020): Brent down 4.2% for the week as coronavirus spread shakes oil demand

Crude oil prices tumbled on Friday and posted a fourth straight weekly loss as the deadly virus that has erupted from China and has spread to around 20 countries, escalated worries that oil demand in the world's top oil consuming regions could be reduced dramatically.

read more... 03/02/2020


Daily (31.01.2020): A continuous strong decline in British gas prices due to warm weather, low demand and weaker oil markets

Crude oil prices had the worst performance in three months on Thursday, as investors continued to worry about a sluggish demand for oil following the continued spread of coronavirus, with OPEC considering the possibility of an early meeting.

read more... 31/01/2020


Daily (30.01.2020): Carbon prices tumbled by around 2.6% on Wednesday due to a weak Polish auction

Crude oil prices increased on Wednesday, due to a potential extension of crude output cuts by OPEC, which counterbalanced fears about the coronavirus spread.

read more... 30/01/2020


Daily (29.01.2020): NBP spot rose by over 2.5% on Tuesday, due to an undersupplied system

Crude oil prices edged higher on Tuesday, recovering from a five-day streak of losses, following a rally in global equity markets and on news that OPEC might extend its cuts amid fears the coronavirus could hurt oil demand.

read more... 29/01/2020
