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Environment Agency gives Cuadrilla the green light to explore in northwest England

Shale gas firm Cuadrilla Resources received permits from Britain's Environment Agency to perform exploration at a four-well site at Preston New Road, Lancashire, in northwest England, which could lead to hydraulic fracturing in the area.

read more... 19/01/2015


Russia has drastically cut off gas deliveries to six EU countries

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered last week to the energy giant Gazprom to cut off supplies to and through Ukraine in the middle of winter, amid accusations that Ukraine had illegally siphoned off and stolen Russian gas.

read more... 19/01/2015


Eni to seize two more oil and gas fields in Egypt

Italian energy giant Eni inked two concession agreements for the North Leil and Karawan blocks offshore Egypt, as a result of the EGAS 2013 bid round.

read more... 16/01/2015


E.ON to divest its Italian coal and gas generation assets in the Czech Republic

German-based power utility E.ON is planning to divest its Italian coal and gas generation assets to Czech energy company Energeticky a Prumyslovy Holding (EPH).

read more... 15/01/2015


Poland ramps up its gas import capacities through a reverse flow connection with Germany

Poland has more than doubled its gas capacity through a reverse flow link with Germany as the country aims to diversify supplies and cut reliance on Russia, declared Polish gas operator Gaz-System.

read more... 13/01/2015
