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UK to achieve its 2020 green energy targets

The Department of Energy & Climate Change has revealed that the UK is on track to achieve its 15% of the energy from renewable sources by 2020. This year, low carbon electricity generation increased by more than a quarter due to solar and wind new projects.

read more... 27/12/2012


China’s clean power generation reached new record

The China State Electricity Regulatory Commission has announced that in November electricity generated by clean energy grew 20.3% year on year to 74.8 billion kW hours, representing an increase of about 3.3% in comparison to the same period of last year.

read more... 26/12/2012


Blue Energy to build its biggest solar plant in Africa

The British firm Blue Energy is building the biggest solar plant in Africa and the fourth-largest in the world. The $400 million Nzema solar plant will produce 155 megawatts of electricity, increasing the country’s electricity capacity by 6 %.

read more... 24/12/2012


Scotland breaks renewable generation record in first three quarters of 2012

Scotland broke the renewable electricity output record for the first three quarters of 2012, according to data released by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

read more... 24/12/2012


Coal generates 35% of UK’s electricity

Coal still plays an important role in UK’s electricity generation, as in the third quarter of this year, coal generated about 35 % of the UK's electricity, according to Government figures, at the same time as gas provided 28 %of electricity, and nuclear 22 %, while renewable accounted just under 12%.

read more... 21/12/2012
