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China: Power production from wind increased more than coal in 2012

According to new statistics released by China Electricity Council, power production from wind increased more than from coal in 2012. Fossil-fired production of electricity increased 0.3 % last year, an addition of about 12 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity, at the same time as wind-generated electricity grew 35.5% to 26 TWh, while solar-generated electricity reached a cumulative 3.5 terawatt-hours. Under China's 12th Five Year Energy Plan (2011-2015), the objective for renewables is to supply 30% of electricity-generating capacity, while coal plunges from 70% to 65% of energy production.

read more... 27/03/2013


EU bank to provide 500 million loan to France

The European Investment Bank has decided to grant a loan of about 500 million euro aiming to help finance upgrades to seven of France's high-voltage and very-high-voltage power grid projects through 2016, the funds will help guarantee the quality and security of France's electricity supply, and would allow the country to add new-generation and renewable sources to its grid counting also a major investment in renewable energy sources.

read more... 22/03/2013


Scotland: Cockenzie coal plant closes

ScottishPower has closed the 45 year old coal-fired power station at Cockenzie in Scotland, as it wants to convert the plant to burn gas, rather than coal. It was the largest power station in Scotland and powered about 1 million households every year generating more than 150 TWh of electricity.

read more... 19/03/2013


U.S. solar PV hit a new installation record in 2012

The U.S. installed 16 million of solar panels in 2012, adding 3.3 GW and representing a 76% annual growth, a tenth of the world market, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). The panels installed last year will generate about the same amount of electricity over a year as a medium-sized coal plant, enough to power 400,000 U.S. homes.

read more... 18/03/2013


German firms give details on expansion plan

Gemany's leading four power grid operators published details of a new draft plan for upgrading and expanding the transmission system for electricity.

read more... 12/03/2013
