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Daily: British wholesale gas boost on new gas year start

Brent crude dropped below$108 a barrel on Tuesday, trading near a 7-week low on the expectations for a U.S. government shutdown that could hurt oil demand, while investors also eyed easing tensions in U.S.-Iran nuclear negotiations. Brent crude for November declined by 38 cents to $107.99 a barrel by 02:55 GMT. Meanwhile, U.S. crude settled at $101.95, down 38 cents.

read more... 02/10/2013


Daily: Coal futures plunge at the weakest level in four weeks

Brent crude oil dropped over $1 to below 108 a barrel on Monday and was headed for its first monthly fall since May, as tensions over Iran attenuated and a potential U.S. government shutdown eclipsed the outlook for demand. Brent declined 83 cents to $107.80 a barrel by 09:50 GMT, set for a 5.5-percent monthly drop. Meanwhile, U.S. crude was down $1.09 at $101.78 a barrel.

read more... 01/10/2013


Daily: European spot power prices drop on weaker demand, higher German solar power output

Crude oil prices traded higher on Thursday in light trading even if political worries eased and the supply outlook improved, as traders sought bargains after considerable losses earlier this month. Brent oil rose 89 cents to $109.21 a barrel, while U.S. crude futures boosted 37 cents to $103.03 a barrel, its first day of gains following five consecutive sessions of losses.

read more... 27/09/2013


U.S solar power soars 15% in Q2 on large scale projects

The United States installed 832 MW of photovoltaic solar panels in the second quarter, posting a 15 per cent increase compared with prior period as booming business for utility-scale systems helped offset lower demand for residential and commercial projects, according to new figures released today by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA).

read more... 13/09/2013


Daily: European power prices decline on dropping temperatures

Brent crude oil futures increased off sessions lows on Tuesday after bullish Chinese data strengthened the demand panorama from the world’s No.2 oil consumer. China's industrial output increased a forecast-beating 10.4 percent in August from a year ago, while retail sales boosted 13.4 percent.

read more... 11/09/2013
