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AWEA: U.S. wind power industry to a record high

The American wind power industry has surpassed the 70 GW mark for the installed wind power, as unveiled by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA).

read more... 23/12/2015


Scottish Power vends tidal energy business to Atlantis

Scottish Power Renewables has vended its tidal electricity operations to Atlantis Resources in exchange for a six percent stake in Tidal Power Scotland Limited, the country's biggest tidal power developer.

read more... 18/12/2015


Engie awarded to develop solar PV projects totaling 325 MW in France and Brazil

French electric utility Engie (formerly GDF Suez) has been shortlisted following separate tenders to develop around 17 solar photovoltaic projects within the country and in Brazil, totalling 325MW.

read more... 15/12/2015


Green and energy efficiency could reduce emissions by 1.7 Gt

Actions on green and energy efficiency in developing countries might cut emissions by 1.7 gigatonnes (Gt) yearly by 2020, according to a report by 1 Gigaton Coalition which is coordinated by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

read more... 14/12/2015


France to invest billions to develop renewable energy projects in Africa

France envisages spending a total of 2 billion euros in renewable energy in Africa in 2016-20, a 50% increase in comparison with the last five years, according to the French President François Hollande.

read more... 11/12/2015
