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UK Conservative government pledges to support shale gas fracking

The Conservative party has committed to support the shale gas and the fracking industry in the UK, particularly in the north of England on the eve of the party's election victory last Friday.

read more... 12/05/2015


Moscow and Ankara agree the start of Turkish Stream pipeline

Moscow and Ankara have signed an agreement last week to start the construction of Turkish Stream pipeline.

read more... 12/05/2015


Gazprom and CNPC ink a deal for western route

Gazprom and PetroChina signed a deal on Friday on the basic conditions of gas supplies from Russia to China through the western route.

read more... 11/05/2015


Ukraine doubles its gas imports from Russia in May

Russia announced it will double natural gas deliveries to Ukraine since the beginning of May after the countries prolonged a temporary agreement on pricing, while exports to European countries also increased, as shown by figures.

read more... 07/05/2015


Total's shale gas plans face another setback in Denmark

Danish Energy Agency has ordered French oil and gas giant Total to cease exploration drilling at the country’s first shale gas prospect a day after it started because the French giant has used Null Foam, a chemical product not approved by local authorities for utilization during the drilling.

read more... 07/05/2015
