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Europe could become energy self-sufficient in $2 trillion push

Europe could wean itself off fossil fuels and create a self-sustainable energy sector by spending around 2 trillion euros ($2.1 trillion) on solar, wind and other regenerative sources by 2040, according to a new study.

read more... 05/10/2023


Italy weighs auto incentive scheme to cut Chinese EV price advantage

Italy is considering new incentives for car purchases that would factor in carbon emissions in the manufacturing and distribution process, two sources close to the matter told Reuters on Monday, a way of protecting its industry against Chinese imports.

read more... 03/10/2023


Grid fees remain key sticking point as EU finalises hydrogen rules

As the European Union finalises its hydrogen and gas rulebook, key issues remain on how to remunerate network operators for building and maintaining Europe’s future hydrogen grid.

read more... 29/09/2023


Germany halts e-car solar subsidy programme after one day amid high demand

Germany on Wednesday halted a subsidy scheme less than 24 hours after it was launched due to strong demand for the payments to install rooftop solar panels, storage and charging points, highlighting questions about the effectiveness of one-off subsidies in the switch to green energy.

read more... 28/09/2023


U.K. and EU to discuss post-Brexit EV tariffs ahead of deadline

British and European Union officials will meet on Wednesday to discuss post-Brexit plans to slap a tariff on electric vehicles from the U.K., as a deadline on whether to delay the move nears.

read more... 27/09/2023
