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Gazprom orders extra transit capacity in Ukraine

Gazprom has boosted its Ukranian gas transit requirements in October, booking additional interstate capacity via auction platforms in Poland and Hungary.

read more... 24/09/2020


The Electrification Of UK Offshore Oil & Gas

The British government has set a goal to reach net zero emissions by 2050. Electrification of oil and gas platforms on the UK continental shelf (UKCS) should play an important role in efforts to achieve this target, as a Rystad Energy analysis shows that UK oil and gas production will remain significant for decades to come. After a small decline over the next several years, output forecast to rebound to approximately 2 million barrels of oil equivalent per day by around 2035. UK emissions from oil and gas production in the North Sea are the highest among the region’s producers, reaching 13.1 million tonnes of CO2 in 2019, according to Rystad Energy emission data. Extraction emissions account for 10.1 million tonnes of CO2, with flaring making up the rest.

read more... 21/09/2020


Eni announces new gas discovery offshore Egypt

According to preliminary estimates, Great Nooros Area discovery may contain in excess of 4 trillion cubic feet of gas

read more... 17/09/2020


EU Parliament's environment committee backs 60% emissions cut by 2030

Lawmakers in the European Parliament’s environment committee on Thursday voted in favour of a legally binding target for the European Union to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 60% by 2030 compared with 1990 levels.

read more... 14/09/2020


Daily (11.09.2020): Carbon prices spiked on Thursday after European Parliament’s environment committee vote

US industry report showed a significant build in stockpiles on Thursday, weighing on oil prices. In addition a slide in gasoline and distillate demand also put pressure on crude market. Thus, Brent crude ended 1.8% lower to settle at $40.06 a barrel. Meanwhile, the American WTI dropped nearly 2% to $37.30 a barrel.

read more... 11/09/2020
