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IEA: The future of renewables worldwide

The International Energy Agency has recently released its annual report on the world energy system, which forecasts that renewable energy sources will represent almost 50% of the increase in global electricity generation by 2035.

read more... 14/11/2013


EDF’s sales up 6.9% in the nine months of 2013

French utility Electricite de France (EDF), the largest electricity generator in Europe and the biggest producer of nuclear power worldwide, registered an increase of 6.9 percent in its nine-month sales amid power prices increases.

read more... 07/11/2013


Nuclear outlook in the UK

Currently, the UK has 16 reactors generating on average about 19% of its electricity and all but one of these will be retired by 2023.The country has a number of reactors which are currently reaching the end of their working life, and it is now unclear how they will be replaced.

read more... 06/11/2013


Switzerland to close its Muehleberg nuclear plant by 2019

Following the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, the Swiss government has decided to phase out nuclear power as an energy source for electricity generation and to look more towards energy efficiency and renewables.

read more... 05/11/2013


Germany’s renewable energy sector

Germany's renewable energy sector is one of the most innovative and successful worldwide. The share of electricity produced from renewable energy in Germany has increased from 6% of the national total in 2000 to about 25 % in the first semester of last year.

read more... 01/11/2013
