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Heerema wins contract for Borkum Riffgrund 2

Heerema Marine Contractors has obtained an agreement from Dong Energy to carry and install the offshore substation for the 450MW Borkum Riffgrund 2 wind farm in the German North Sea.

read more... 28/03/2016


Australia establishes AU$1 billion clean energy fund to invest in emerging technologies

The Australian Government set up the AU$1 billion ($761.60 million) Clean Energy Innovation Fund (CEIF) to invest in clean and renewable technologies for commercial deployment.

read more... 25/03/2016


Irish envisages €2.7 billion wind investment

Onshore wind developers will invest minimum €2.7 billion in Ireland in the next four years to guarantee that the country meets its 2020 renewable electricity objectives.

read more... 23/03/2016


Siemens ready to acquire Areva wind venture in Gamesa agreement

Siemens is prepared to purchase Spanish-French wind power joint venture Adwen as part of a scheduled fusion of its wind assets with those of Spain's Gamesa, as reported in the Germany's Sueddeutsche Zeitung on Tuesday.

read more... 23/03/2016


Vattenfall will construct 3.6 GW of offshore wind in UK

Sweden’s Vattenfall has begun plans for one of the biggest offshore wind farms in the North Sea. Norfolk Vanguard and bordering Norfolk Boreas will each have a capacity of 1.8 gigawatts. In the meantime, a new British study expects to reduce the cost of offshore wind to 12.8 cents, which would still lead to a quarter more expensive electricity than in Germany in spite of the better or equal conditions in the UK.

read more... 22/03/2016
