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Spain On Track To Generate 50% Of Its Power From Renewables In 2023

Spain is on track to generate more than half of its power from renewable sources this year, the first of the top five European countries by power demand to accomplish this feat, according to Rystad Energy forecasts. Spain will reach this significant decarbonization milestone this year, with renewable-sourced generation surpassing the 50% average in 2023, beating France, Germany, Italy and the UK to this record.

read more... 08/06/2023


Energy sufficiency, a French political concept still misunderstood in Europe

France has made energy sufficiency – the deliberate reduction of energy consumption – one of the three pillars of its decarbonisation strategy, alongside nuclear and renewables. However, Brussels and other European capitals have yet to fully embrace the approach.

read more... 05/06/2023


France to launch its first electric vehicle battery factory

France will launch its first electric vehicle (EV) battery factory on Tuesday as President Emmanuel Macron moves ahead with his “reindustrialisation” plan for the country, Euractive reports.

read more... 31/05/2023


Engie, Amazon inaugurate Italy's biggest agrivoltaic farm

France's Engie and Amazon on Friday officially opened Italy's biggest agrivoltaic farm to supply green energy to the Italian unit of the e-commerce giant.

read more... 29/05/2023


Spain and France clash over ‘pink hydrogen’ in planned pipeline

The governments of France and Spain have disagreed over whether a planned multi-billion euro hydrogen pipeline between the two countries should carry hydrogen produced from nuclear power, also known as “pink” hydrogen.

read more... 24/05/2023
