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SSE decides to acquire 20% stake in Total’s Shetland project

SSE has decided to buy a 20 percent stake in Total's Laggan-Tormore gas field and plant for 565 million pounds ($881 million), plus an estimated investment of 350 million pounds to 2018, as stated by the British utility on Wednesday.

read more... 29/07/2015


Russia hopes to settle on new gas route to China in September

Russia hopes to ink a deal on natural gas supplies to China from western Siberian fields, besides the previously settled supplies from an eastern route, during President Vladimir Putin's visit to China in September, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak declared on Tuesday.

read more... 29/07/2015


Ukraine plans more gas imports, injections in August

Ukraine intends to raise natural gas imports from Europe in August with a view to expanding injections into storage for next winter, as stated by Energy Minister Volodymyr Demchyshyn on Monday.

read more... 28/07/2015


UK government awards 41 new licences for hydrocarbons in the North Sea

The British government decided on Monday to award 41 licences to drill for oil and gas in the North Sea, with oil majors Shell and ENI among the successful bidders.

read more... 28/07/2015


Brazil approves $70 billion BG-Shell fusion

BG Group Plc on Friday confirmed that it has obtained final unconditional approval from Brazilian competition authority CADE for its purchase by bigger competitor Royal Dutch Shell.

read more... 27/07/2015
