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Italy’s solar PV sector an example for the rest of the world

Italy is currently one of the major producers of electricity from renewable energy sources in Europe. The country’s PV sector has historically been the leading renewable energy technology due to its incentives offered for solar PV projects and also to its advantageous geographic position.

read more... 31/01/2014


Wind: Spain’s main electricity source

According to the Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE), in 2013 wind power was the main source of energy in Spain, covering almost 21 percent of total demand and producing something like 54,478 GWh of electricity last year, nuclear power produced 20.8 percent of the country’s energy requirements, followed by hydroelectric power which met 14.4 % of demand, almost doubling in comparison to a year before. Combined-cycle plants accounted for 9.6 percent, coal-fueled plants 14.6 percent while solar photovoltaic only 3.1 percent.

read more... 31/01/2014


Poland to build two new nuclear power plants

Poland's government has announced on Tuesday its intention to go ahead with the plans to build two nuclear power plants. Currently, the country produces 90 percent of its electricity from coal but wants to diversify its fuel sources, making its energy sector more efficient. Poland has opted for nuclear, in a move which aims also to help meet the environmental requirements of the European Union.

read more... 30/01/2014


France’s energy future relies on nuclear

France’s first nuclear power plant has opened in 1964 and since then France has become a primarily nuclear-powered country, with nuclear representing 78.8% of its electricity generation. According to the IEA it exports about 42 billion kWh of electrical energy per year, being the world's largest net exporter of electricity due to its very low cost of generation, while gaining over EUR 3 billion per year from this.

read more... 28/01/2014


Germany: the first EU state to penalize the self-consumption of solar energy

The German government has approved on Wednesday a new solar tax, becoming the first European nation to charge owners of renewable energy plants for their own use of electricity, as part of Merkel’s plan to contain rising power bills. The changes would affect photovoltaics and are now partly being reported as a new retroactive solar tax. The cabinet is expected to officially sign off on the draft law in April before it goes to the Bundestag, which is expected to vote on it in June and could become law on August.

read more... 27/01/2014
