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Gazprom loses ground in Finland to LNG from the Baltic States

The pipeline, called Balticconnector, which opened early this year, links Finland and Estonia and can also send gas to the Baltics

read more... 23/12/2020


New strategy requires UK oil and gas sector to support net-zero target

A revised Strategy from the UK’s petroleum regulator Oil & Gas Authority (OGA), featuring a range of new net-zero obligations for the UK oil and gas industry, was submitted for laying before the UK Parliament on Wednesday, 16 December 2020.

read more... 18/12/2020


Hydrogen Production Is Set To Increase 5000% In Just 5 Years

After decades of stagnation and multiple false dawns, the hydrogen economy appears primed for a major takeoff. A growing number of countries and industries are proactively investing in hydrogen technologies, with hydrogen being touted as the ‘fuel of the future.’ Meanwhile, industry experts are predicting that hydrogen could become a globally traded energy source, just like oil and gas, while the Bank of America says the industry is at a tipping point and set to explode into a $11 trillion marketplace. For a sector that has been vilified for so long, those bullish projections can appear like a bad case of blue-sky thinking. Yet, they are beginning to take shape right as we watch.

read more... 18/12/2020


Spain to remove renewable subsidies from consumer bills

Spain's government has proposed a new law that will gradually separate the funding of renewable energy from consumers' bills and move it to the balance sheets of suppliers and oil and gas companies, it announced Dec. 15

read more... 17/12/2020


German gas burn running at record high

Strong demand for fossil fuel burn from the power sector this month, given below-average wind levels and colder weather, lifted generation from gas-fired plants to the highest monthly level on record.

read more... 16/12/2020
