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European Commission launches new nuclear safety rules

The European Commission published on Tuesday a draft on nuclear safety law, including obligatory stress test every six years on the dozens of nuclear reactors operating in the European Union aftermath Japan’s Fukushima disaster.

read more... 14/06/2013


Italy: Electricity consumption down 3.4% in May

According to the Italian power grid operator Terna, Italy’s electricity consumption was down 3.4% last month in comparison to the year before, to 25.3 billion kWh. The drop in electricity demand is due to the crisis, but the good news is that Italy now has an abundance of energy, which is reflected positively on prices.

read more... 10/06/2013


Britain’s hopes of a green future in electricity supply vanished

An attempt to include a goal to decarbonise the electricity production in the UK by 2030 was narrowly defeated in the House of Commons on Tuesday, to the dismay of green activists and businesses that had supported the objective as a way to stimulate investments in renewables and low carbon energy.

read more... 06/06/2013


Sweden prefers renewables to nuclear

Recently Sweden's energy minister, Anna-Karin Hatt, has announced that the government will not subsidize new nuclear power plants, favoring renewable investments. Electricity production in Sweden is dominated by nuclear power and renewables, which currently make about equal contributions to energy production- about 40%.

read more... 30/05/2013


EU energy sector in danger and requires urgently a reform

The EU energy sector needs support for innovation if they want to reduce energy costs. European power companies will have to develop new technologies, to approach more to consumers and expand newer business models and services. European leaders and the energy- industry chiefs have taken steps toward reviving energy-market reform and setting long-term targets for renewable energy.

read more... 24/05/2013
