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Spain On Track To Generate 50% Of Its Power From Renewables In 2023

Spain is on track to generate more than half of its power from renewable sources this year, the first of the top five European countries by power demand to accomplish this feat, according to Rystad Energy forecasts. Spain will reach this significant decarbonization milestone this year, with renewable-sourced generation surpassing the 50% average in 2023, beating France, Germany, Italy and the UK to this record.

read more... 08/06/2023


Daily (07.06.2023): Oil prices edged lower on Tuesday, as a bearish outlook continued to weigh on prices

Oil prices edged lower on Tuesday, as a bearish outlook continued to weigh on prices, with traders expecting Saudi Arabia's production cut not to extend beyond July, thereby easing supply concerns. Brent crude slipped by 0.5 % to settle at $76.29 a barrel. Meanwhile, WTI crude traded at $71.74 a barrel, down by 0.6% day-on-day.

read more... 07/06/2023


Finland's Fortum explores Nordic nuclear power with Westinghouse

Finland's Fortum will cooperate with Westinghouse Electric to explore the development of new nuclear power production in Finland and Sweden, the two companies said in a joint statement on Wednesday.

read more... 07/06/2023


Shell to exit European home retail energy businesses

Shell said on Tuesday that it had decided to exit its home retail energy businesses in Britain, Germany and the Netherlands due to their poor returns.

read more... 07/06/2023


Japan to invest $107 bln in hydrogen supply over 15 years

Japan plans to invest 15 trillion yen ($107.5 billion) over the next 15 years to supply the country with hydrogen, the government said on Tuesday, as it accelerates efforts to use the gas to shift to a low carbon economy.

read more... 07/06/2023
