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Scottish Power to invest 5.2 billion pounds in upgrading its power network

Energy giant ScottishPower has announced it plans to invest 5.2 billion pounds in upgrading its ageing power network. The energy firm has presented its proposals to Ofgem delineating the plans for expansion between 2015 and 2023. The investment would see more than 62 miles of power cables and 30,000 substations upgraded.

read more... 02/07/2013


UK menaced by blackouts of power within 2 years

According to the energy watchdog Ofgem the risk of power blackouts in UK has doubled in the last year, as the country is facing an energy crunch which will cause an increase of the energy bills. The supply crisis is the result of Britain forcing old coal and oil plants to shut down supporting projects of new green wind farms and nuclear plants.

read more... 01/07/2013


Swiss intraday power market successfully launched on 26 June

Power grid operators in Switzerland, France, Germany and Austria had successfully launched intraday market on 26 June 2013 in a move to line up European energy wholesale markets.

read more... 28/06/2013


Germany to launch a long-distance wind power line by 2022

Amprion GmbH and 50Hertz, the leading transmission system operators in Europe are envisaging to building a 1 billion euro ($1.31 billion), long-distance power line in Germany to carry wind power from distant areas to industrial centers.

read more... 27/06/2013


ENEL to sell its Marcinelle power plant in Belgium to Gazprom

Italy's Enel SpA has decided to sell its Marcinelle power plant in Belgium to Russia's OAO Gazprom, for 227 million euro on a cash and debt free basis, as the biggest Russian company intends to enhance its presence in Europe's power production sector where it supplies 25% of gas requirements.

read more... 24/06/2013
