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The EIB has granted Spain a €475m loan for power grid upgrade

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has granted to Spain’s Gas Natural Fenosa a 475 million euro loan for upgrading its power grid. The loan have the objective to support utility firm Gas Natural Fenosa’s four-year programme of investment in upgrading and expanding the overhead distribution network, laying underground cables and building substations.

read more... 16/07/2013


Spain’s oldest nuclear power plant officially closed

Spain’s oldest nuclear power plant Santa Maria de Garoña, in the north-central province of Burgos, has been officially shut down on 6 July after 42 years in operation.

read more... 11/07/2013


France: EDF envisages a 5% increase in power tariffs in August

The French government has allowed French state-controlled power utility Electricite de France (EDF) to increase its electricity tariffs for residential consumers by 5% in August, and by the same share in August next year, citing recent increases of the company's production costs.

read more... 09/07/2013


Japan to restart its nuclear reactors

Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) announced it wanted to restart reactors at the world's largest atomic power station. Japanese nuclear operators applied to restart reactors under new regulations drawn up following the Fukushima disaster.

read more... 08/07/2013


Nuclear Power in France

France has decided to launch a great nuclear program in 1973, when the quadrupling of the price of oil by OPEC nations was a shock for France because at that time, most of its electricity came from oil burning plants, this was the Middle East event that they refer to as the "oil shock."

read more... 04/07/2013
