Latest news

Paris climate agreement to cause more coal decommissioning

More divestments from coal and other fossil fuels assets will take place on the global scale, as countries implement the Paris climate deal.

read more... 01/02/2018


Fossil fuels production to hit unprecedented levels in the US

Fossil fuels production in the US is likely to attain record levels in 2018 and 2019.

read more... 30/01/2018


Denmark on the path to become carbon free by 2050

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), Denmark is on the road to reach its ambitious objective of turning into a low carbon economy, or independent of fossil fuels, by 2050 year.

read more... 28/11/2017


Daily (14.11.2017): Power year-ahead contracts slightly up despite weaker fuels and carbon prices

Crude prices fell on Monday as the prospect of further increases in U.S. production undermined ongoing OPEC-led output reductions aimed at tightening the market.

read more... 14/11/2017


Norway considers minimising its reliance on oil

Norway’s Minister of Climate and Environment, Vidar Helgesen, declared on Thursday that the country will try to find ways to lessen its dependence on oil and gas as fossil fuels are dropping in value continuously due to energy transition.

read more... 06/10/2017
