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Construction of Finnish pilot SMR plant to start in 2025

Steady Energy said it is set to start construction of its first LDR-50 district heating reactor pilot plant in Finland next year, with potential sites including the Finnish capital Helsinki and two other cities.

read more... 07/06/2024


Germany set to tender H2-ready plants from 2025

“I think things are moving quickly now, but that doesn’t mean we will have an auction scheduled this year,” the BNA’s vice president, Barbie Kornelia Haller, told a conference in Berlin organised by the country’s BDEW energy industry lobby.

read more... 07/06/2024


EU agrees to quit energy investment treaty over climate concerns

European Union countries unanimously agreed on Thursday to quit an international energy treaty over concerns that it protects fossil fuel investments and undermines efforts to fight climate change, the Belgian EU presidency said.

read more... 31/05/2024


Central European countries amp up pressure on EU over German gas tariff

Four central European countries have stepped up pressure on Brussels to act against Germany over a gas tariff they say undermines their energy security, a document seen by Reuters showed.

read more... 30/05/2024


Nuclear to make up 10% of Italy’s energy mix by 2040

Italy will include nuclear in its national energy and climate plan (NECP), with projections it could comprise about 10% of the country’s total installed capacity by 2040, an energy ministry official said on Tuesday.

read more... 29/05/2024
