Latest news

The tallest wind turbine in the world to be installed in Germany

Nordex has installed the world’s tallest wind turbine to date in Hausbay, which is in the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate.

read more... 30/06/2016


U.S. , Mexico and Canada pledge 50% of power from clean sources by 2025

The United States, Mexico and Canada are set to conclude a new regional deal at the Three Amigos summit in Ottawa this week to produce 50% of their combined electricity by 2025 from clean energy sources, including wind, solar, nuclear and hydropower.

read more... 29/06/2016


Danish Dong will surpass 2020 target with German wind farm

Denmark's Dong Energy will surpass its 2020 goal of installed wind capacity with the addition of the German offshore wind farm Borkum Riffgrund 2, as announced by the firm on Friday.

read more... 28/06/2016


British solar industry losses more than half of its workforce due to subsidies cuts

British solar energy lost over a half of the total workforce of 35,000 after government decided to slash subsidies to renewable energy.

read more... 27/06/2016


Largest wind turbine blade in the world presented in Denmark

Offshore wind turbine provider Adwen and blade provider LM Wind Power have partnered together to present the largest wind turbine blade in the world.

read more... 24/06/2016
