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Siemens puts new wind power investment plans in the UK on hold after Brexit

Siemens, the largest engineering firm in Europe decided to freeze new wind power investment in UK following the vote to leave the European Union until future trading arrangements are clarified.

read more... 05/07/2016


Northern Ireland to launch its first bio-LNG plant

Greenville Energy Ltd, a renewable energy producer based in Northern Ireland, and French equipment supplier Cryo Pur have joined forces to develop a viable way in which to turn excess biogas into bio-LNG.

read more... 04/07/2016


Nordic Investment Bank grants funding for geothermal power plant in Iceland

Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) and electricity producer Landsvirkjun signed a USD 50 million long-term loan agreement without a guarantee of collection for the construction of the Theistareykir geothermal power plant in northeast Iceland.

read more... 01/07/2016


RWE renewables and power distribution unit to be rebranded ‘Innogy ‘

RWE has unveiled that it has “rebranded “its renewables and power distribution subsidiary Innogy following a spin-off from its conventional power unit, announced in December.

read more... 01/07/2016


Google purchases 12-year output from a yet-to-be-built wind power farm in Norway

Google has acquired the whole 12-year power output from an unbuilt Norwegian wind power farm in order to supply its European data centers with renewable energy.

read more... 30/06/2016
