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The solution to Europe’s high energy prices could be Russia or fracking

Chief executive of Italy’s Eni, Paolo Scaroni said at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York that Europe is facing dramatic energy costs and that there are two directions which could be a solution for Europe: fracking or increasing Russian imports.

read more... 16/10/2013


Czech Republic: Nuclear power seems to be “crucial” in its new energy strategy

While many European countries decided to give up nuclear power, the Czech Republic wants to increase the share of nuclear power in its energy mix.

read more... 16/10/2013


EDF to build and operate nuclear reactors in UK

The U.K. government and Electricite de France SA are close to announcing a great deal that would see France's EDF Energy building the country's first new nuclear power station since 1995. The project could have a total cost of more than 22.4 billion dollars and would be built on the west coast of England.

read more... 14/10/2013


UK: National Grid reveals that the risk of blackouts this winter is the highest in the last 5 years

National Grid warned that the UK is at its highest risk of blackout this winter in more than five years. The demand for electricity could reach 95% of available supply if the country would be affected by a cold snap. The National Grid has said that this year the safety margin will be just 5%, being the lowest predicted since 2007.

read more... 08/10/2013


Japan says goodbye to its last nuclear reactor

Japan has halted its last functioning nuclear reactor on 15 September, with no schedule for a restart, leaving the country nuclear free for the first time since July 2012.

read more... 19/09/2013
