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Europe: Wind power becomes more affordable than nuclear

Wind energy has officially outstripped nuclear power as the most affordable energy source at least in countries neighboring North Sea.

read more... 27/07/2016


Post-Brexit boost since Veolia promises investment

Veolia has decided to go on with its investment drive in the UK in spite of the political insecurity created by the country’s exit from the European Union.

read more... 26/07/2016


KfW: Germany establishes new solar storage record

With the most photovoltaic capacity of any country in Europe, Germany has succeeded to store its excess solar power to bolster local usage.

read more... 25/07/2016


E.ON and Statoil will construct $1.3 billion Baltic wind farm

E.ON and Statoil are scheduling a 60 turbine offshore wind farm for the German Baltic Sea. The $1.3 billion (€1.2 billion) wind farm, named Arkona, will be located close to the German island of Rügen.

read more... 22/07/2016


Iran poised to launch the first tender for utility-scale renewable energy projects to attract $12 billion investment

Iran is preparing to organize its first tender for utility-scale renewable energy projects by the end of 2016, as its appetite for renewables projects grows considerably. The projects could attract investments worth US$12 billion once completed.

read more... 20/07/2016
