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Daily (23.06.2023): Oil prices fell by 4% on Thursday amid concerns over demand

Crude oil prices tumbled amid increased concerns over oil demand following Bank of England’s decision to hike interest rates to 5%. Despite lower US oil supplies, Brent crude and WTI crude decreased by about 4% to settle at $74.14 a barrel and $69.58 a barrel, respectively.

read more... 23/06/2023


France looks to hike offshore wind target above 40 GW

France’s 40 GW offshore wind target is just a starting point, Energy Transition Minister Agnès Pannier-Runacher said on Tuesday (20 June), though some industry players view French plans as lacking ambition.

read more... 23/06/2023


Amprion to present German north-south power line plans in mid-2024

German grid firm Amprion plans to finalise the planning stage for its 8 gigawatt (GW) north-south Rhein-Main-Link power line by the end of June next year, with a view to having 2 GW of it built by 2033.

read more... 23/06/2023


RWE unveils plans to invest more than €50bn in energy transition by 2030

German energy giant RWE has outlined plans to invest more than €50bn ($54.9bn) in the energy transition by 2030.

read more... 23/06/2023


Daily (22.06.2023): European carbon prices recorded their biggest intraday decline in three months

Oil prices gained momentum on Wednesday, ahead of weekly data on US crude inventories. Unshaken by the Fed chairman's comments on further U.S. interest rate hikes, WTI crude rose by around 2% to settle at $72.53/barrel, while Brent crude ended at $77.12/barrel, posting a 1.6% day-on-day gain.

read more... 22/06/2023
