Latest news

Solar and offshore wind capacity objectives of Spain to be lowered

Spanish solar and offshore wind capacity targets have been reduced, though keeping the goal of deriving 20 percent of its electricity from renewable energy.

read more... 16/06/2010


Royal Dutch acquires new gas assets in Northern America

Royal Dutch is acquiring new shale gas fields in US, paying $4.7 billion dollars in cash for the private gas company East Resources Inc

read more... 28/05/2010


Swiss nuclear stocks situated abroad have to be declared

The law concerning nuclear energy requires that Swiss holders of nuclear assets abroad have to declare them every year to the responsible authorities

read more... 18/05/2010


U.S. Renewables Group targets a fund for renewable energy projects in China

U.S. Renewables Group, which has various investments in renewable energies across North America, plans to raise a fund of up to 2 billion Yuan (293 million USD) for renewable energy projects in China.

read more... 13/05/2010


Gazprom’s activity on the electricity market

Gazprom, Russian’s biggest gas supplier, intends to make modifications in its portfolio by changing its assets with those of energy sector investors, including and those of Finland's Fortum, in order to regroup all its energy units in one big utility.

read more... 30/04/2010
