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UK to reduce feed-in tariffs for biomass

British Government announced that will withdraw its intention to increase the incentives for biomass power following pressure from the European Commission, which considers the augment as too high, announced the Department for Energy and Climate Change on Wednesday.

read more... 28/10/2011


Renewable heat incentive postponed by UK government

A new renewable heat incentive scheme, RHI, was postponed by the British government last Friday because of a failure of the Department for Energy and Climate Change to obtain a clearance from the European Commission as it consider the 2.6 p/kWh tariff payment for large-scale biomass too high.

read more... 05/10/2011


UK renewable power reaches “historic high” of nearly 10%

According to the figures released by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, the renewable electricity sources including wind, supplied 9.6% of the UK's electricity in the second quarter of 2011, up from 6.3% in the same quarter in 2010, becoming definitely a vital part of Britain's energy mix.

read more... 03/10/2011


UK’s North Sea production declines below 1 million barrels per day

UK’s oil output from the North Sea registered a 16 % plunge from April to June, being the largest drop since 1995, the Department of Energy and Climate Change said yesterday.

read more... 30/09/2011


UK Government gives the go-ahead to a huge wood-burning plant in Wales

The UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) gave green light for the construction of a new biomass power plant in Anglesey, Wales.

read more... 20/09/2011
