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Three countries support construction of Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline

The oil pipeline project from the Greek port of Alexandroupolis to the Bulgarian port of Burgas is on the agenda of Bulgaria, Greece, and Romania in the context of greater energy, transport and digital connectivity in Southeast Europe.

read more... 11/10/2023


Russia dodges G7 price cap sanctions on most of its oil exports

Russian crude oil supplies increased 50% this spring despite the G7 countries imposing sanctions due to war in Ukraine, the Financial Times reported on Sunday citing data from analytics company Kpler.

read more... 25/09/2023


IEA forecasts slower global oil demand growth in 2024

World oil demand growth will slow next year compared with this year when a record 102.2m bbl/day of crude oil will be consumed, the International Energy Agency said on Friday.

read more... 15/08/2023


UK Rosebank oil field could be powered by wind turbines

Electricity from a newly developed wind farm off the coast of Scotland in the north of the UK may be used to power the Rosebank oil field.

read more... 27/06/2023


Romania's OMV Petrom hails largest oil find in decades

Romania's OMV Petrom said it has made a series of oil and gas discoveries in southern Romania including its largest crude find "in decades". The discoveries could help the firm reduce the decline in its upstream production and increase the intake of domestic crude at its 85,000 b/d Petrobrazi refinery in Ploiesti.

read more... 15/06/2023
