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Finland’s Kesko abandons Fennovoima nuclear consortium

Finnish retailer Kesko declared on Thursday it would give up the Fennovoima nuclear conglomerate, increasing worries over a project that is likely to engender confrontations in parliament between members of the ruling coalition, because of the ambiguity in the financial, contractual and timetable requirements.

read more... 28/03/2014


Partnership agreements between French and Chinese energy firms

Several deals were signed by China and France in the energy sector on Wednesday during the high-status visit of the President Xi Jinping who has plans to develop closer business relations between the countries.

read more... 27/03/2014


SSE to carry out a “legal separation” of its retail and wholesale divisions to improve transparency

The British utility SSE, which is part of “big six”, decided to separate its wholesale and retail divisions in an effort to simplify its business and to freeze household gas and electricity prices until January 2016 amid intense political pressure over increasing household bills at a time when real-term wages are shrinking and public outcry over energy company profits.

read more... 26/03/2014


Spain government considers increasing subsidies for gas-fired power plants to prevent further closure of facilities

The Spanish government aims to increase the aid for under-used gas-fired power plants in order to avoid utilities’ closures around the country.

read more... 26/03/2014


UK: break-up threat for six energy companies

Six major energy firms in Britain are likely to face the threat of split-up this week. The companies are expected to be consigned by their energy regulator Ofgem to the new Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), as published in the Sunday Times.

read more... 24/03/2014
