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Coal India to invest in solar power

The largest coal company in the world, Coal India, has announced it intends to invest in solar power aiming to reduce energy bills and to cut costs. The company, which is responsible for more than 80 % of coal production in India, intends to install a 2MW plant at its Sampalbur coal plant in Odisha. The plant will have the potential to be scaled up to provide excess electricity to the grid.

read more... 10/06/2013


Germany breaks a new solar power record

Germany set a new solar record on Friday and Saturday, when solar energy plants produced a world record of 22 GW of electricity per hour, being equivalent to the power supplied by 20 nuclear stations at full capacity.

read more... 05/06/2013


Sweden prefers renewables to nuclear

Recently Sweden's energy minister, Anna-Karin Hatt, has announced that the government will not subsidize new nuclear power plants, favoring renewable investments. Electricity production in Sweden is dominated by nuclear power and renewables, which currently make about equal contributions to energy production- about 40%.

read more... 30/05/2013


UK was 6 six hours distance from finishing its gas supplies in March

At the end of March this year the reserves of natural gas detained in storage were at one of their lowest level, due to an unusually cold winter and intensified problems at a processing plant in Norway with flows of gas supplies to Britain via the Langeled pipeline which fell significantly, along with other supplies from Belgium, being just six hours away from finishing its gas supplies.

read more... 27/05/2013


Turkey is heavily investing in nuclear power

While many EU countries are intensively investing in renewables , Turkey is envisaging the construction of three new nuclear power plants. Turkey is currently looking at nuclear power as it aims to reduce its dependence on imported energy.

read more... 22/05/2013
