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France to raise electricity prices by about 5%

The French government intends to increase regulated power tariffs by approximately 5 percent in the autumn, as stated by Prime Minister Manuel Valls on Friday.

read more... 23/06/2014


Greenpeace: French nuclear power becomes more expensive than renewables by 2020

A report released by environmental activist group Greenpeace unveils that the electricity generated by onshore wind and solar installations could be more financially competitive by 2020 than the power from upgraded nuclear facilities in France.

read more... 16/06/2014


Albania hopes to end dispute with utility CEZ soon

Albania hopes to settle a raw with Czech utility CEZ soon, concerning its loss-making electricity distributor in order to proceed with $200 million investment in its power sector, as stated by Energy Minister Damian Gjiknuri on Thursday.

read more... 13/06/2014


French lawmakers worried about increasing nuclear costs

The increasing cost of France's nuclear energy is a concern and the government should establish independent professional institutions to aid it foresee long-term investments in the energy sector, as stated by a parliamentary committee in a report published on Tuesday.

read more... 11/06/2014


Spain: Iberdrola will invest $5 billion in Mexico for a six-year period

Spanish utility Iberdrola intend to make an investment of minimum $5 billion (3.7 billion euros) in Mexico for a period of six years through 2018, as stated by Chairman Ignacio Sanchez Galan on Monday, since the country opens its traditionally enclosed energy market to private investment.

read more... 10/06/2014
