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Peak Natural Gas Demand To Occur Around 2040

One of the world’s largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporters, Qatar, expects global natural gas demand to peak at some point around 2040, Bloomberg reported on Monday, quoting a bond prospectus of Qatar Petroleum it had seen.

read more... 29/06/2021


Gazprom’s Russian June offtake to fall from May

Russian state-controlled Gazprom's domestic gas production is on track to fall in June from the previous month, but the decline would be the second smallest between May and June since 2011, suggesting that the firm may be producing closer to its capacity than in previous years.

read more... 28/06/2021


Global gas supply in 5-10 years may not be tight given shorter construction

Global natural gas supply in the next five to ten years may not be as tight as market expected with shorter project construction cycles, which can have a significant impact on supply and demand fundamentals, participants at the 7th China LNG & Gas International Summit 2021 held over June 23-24 said.

read more... 25/06/2021


Gas infrastructure across Europe leaking planet-warming methane

The potent greenhouse gas methane is spewing out of natural gas infrastructure across the European Union because of leaks and venting, video footage made available to Reuters shows.

read more... 25/06/2021


UK stands by offshore oil, gas licensing despite rising tensions over net-zero targets

The UK will still consider offering new offshore oil and gas licenses in the future, energy minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan said June 23, despite rising pressure on the country to ban new exploration in the wake of a landmark report on global carbon emissions by the International Energy Agency.

read more... 24/06/2021
