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Power line project postponed, to have effect on supply in Central Norway

An important Norwegian power connection project will be postponed, which will probably lead to an insufficient electricity supply and price increases in central Norway from late 2016, as stated by grid operator Statnett.

read more... 10/07/2014


Germany: 50Hertz alone will invest 400-500 million euros in power grid in 2014

German power grid operator 50Hertz intends to make an investment of 400-500 million euros this year to build transmission connections that will convey wind power from Germany's inaccessible regions to its industrial centers to sustain its move from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

read more... 09/07/2014


Germany: the profits of MVV likely to increase again

Mannheim-based MVV Energie anticipates profits to increase next year, according to its chief executive.

read more... 08/07/2014


Chinese offer for Italy grids increases concerns

China's state power grid is one of two bidders for a significant stake in Italy's energy grids, but such a connection might cause problems since the Chinese and Italians both intend to purchase assets around Europe, according to sources familiar with the matter.

read more... 08/07/2014


Romania: Transelectrica plans to invest 5.3 billion lei by 2023

Romanian state-owned power grid operator Transelectrica intends to make an investment of 5.3 billion lei ($1.65 billion) to improve its power network by 2023, as stated by the company on Thursday.

read more... 04/07/2014
