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Two companies submit final offers for Montenegro electricity plant

Montenegro's power utility EPCG declared on Friday two firms had submitted final offers to construct a coal-fired unit at its Pljevlja power plant.

read more... 30/03/2015


Norway and Britain to construct world’s longest subsea electricity cable

The world's longest subsea power transmission cable is to be built between Norway and Britain by 2021, as stated by Norway's Statnett on Thursday.

read more... 27/03/2015


France inaugurates capacity mechanism to guarantee against blackouts

France will institute a market in power generation capacity in April to ensure there are no blackouts during periods of peak electricity consumption, as stated by grid operator RTE on Tuesday.

read more... 25/03/2015


EIB backs energy interconnection project between Armenia and Georgia

European Investment Bank (EIB) will give €10 million in loan for funding the building of an electricity transmission connection and a high voltage direct current station linking Armenia and Georgia.

read more... 20/03/2015


ABB wins order of $900 million to link Norwegian, German electricity grids

ABB has won orders estimated at approximately $900 million from a conglomerate including leading utilities Statnett and TenneT as well as promotional bank KfW to provide on-shore high-voltage direct current (HVDC) converter stations and the cable system in the German sector that will ease the first ever interconnection between the Norwegian and German electricity grids.

read more... 20/03/2015
