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Essen becomes European Green Capital for 2017

The city of Essen in Germany becomes the European Green Capital for 2017, the title being awarded from Ljubljana by Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, in a ceremony on Saturday.

read more... 24/01/2017


Serbia: Additional biomass plants to be added to Boljevac pellet facility

The Serbian company Bioenergy Point will build a facility worth 2 million euros and a biomass power plant worth additional 7 million euros in addition to the existent pellet factory in Boljevac.

read more... 18/01/2017


Dutch trains powered by wind energy

All electric trains in the Netherlands are now powered by wind energy.

read more... 13/01/2017


UK renewable energy company sells 5MW solar farm

A UK Green energy firm has decided to vend a 5MW solar park.

read more... 03/01/2017


EDF Renewable Energy unveils the commercial operation at 184MW Kelly Creek wind farm in US

EDF Renewable Energy unveiled that the 184 megawatt (MW) Kelly Creek Wind Project in Illinois reached commercial operation.

read more... 30/12/2016
