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UK's Labour Party to offer Ofgem power to eliminate energy supplier licences

Britain's opposition Labour Party has promised to offer energy regulator Ofgem the authority to annul electricity and gas suppliers' licences if they constantly violate rules and harm their customers.

read more... 21/08/2014


Two Belgian nuclear reactors could be shut down permanently

Two Belgian nuclear reactors possessed by GDF-Suez division Electrabel might stay offline until spring and may possibly have to be closed permanently, as stated by Belgian state broadcaster VRT on Tuesday.

read more... 20/08/2014


France: Areva to refurbish Koeberg nuclear plant in South Africa

A contract to restore six steam generators at Koeberg nuclear power plant in South Africa has been won by France’s Areva, according to the state utility Eskom on Saturday.

read more... 18/08/2014


Belgium will be deprived of two thirds of its nuclear energy production

Belgian nuclear reactor Doel 4 in East Flanders will remain closed at least until the end of this year after a damage of its turbine, declared Electrabel, the owner of the plant.

read more... 15/08/2014


Germany: RWE to mothball another 1, 000 MW of capacity

RWE AG, Germany’s second-largest utility, decided to mothball 1, 000 MW of plant capacity, citing low demand for electricity which made the plants unprofitable.

read more... 14/08/2014
