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Centrosolar project for installing three sloping-roof solar plants completed

A new major solar project of 960 kWp was completed by Centrosolar in France, Ardèche. For installing the three sloping –roof solar plants were required over 5,000 modules, or 1,680 modules for each of them, which represent a new record achieved by the company in a project.

read more... 26/07/2010


“Archimede” , the first solar thermal plant using molted salts technology

Enel announced the inauguration of its thermal solar plant “Archimede”, the first solar plant to use molten salts for heat storage.

read more... 20/07/2010


Nine solar parks installed in Greece by Conergy

Conergy, the German manufacturer and commissioner of PV panels, has finished the construction of nine PV plants in Greece on the Crete Island.

read more... 16/07/2010


Spain to turn into the largest solar thermal energy generator in the world

Spain, a global leader in renewable energy, turned into the largest solar thermal energy producer in the world, with 432 MW installed capacity, thus exceeding USA, with 422 MW installed capacity.

read more... 15/07/2010


Italian - Israeli Joint Venture in solar business

Italian PV industry is expanding on new markets, including Israel solar market, especially after the formation of a new joint venture between the Italian Energos Spa and Israeli Ginergia Ltd. and Menorah Group.

read more... 13/07/2010
